Solving the Top 10 Challenges in Admissions

Optimizing your admissions process, from recruitment to enrollment

What you’ll learn

How to improve your applicant yield

Start engaging applicants earlier and in a way that keeps their attention and influences the likelihood of them enrolling.

Where your process may be vulnerable to application fraud

Protect your admissions process against fraud and ensure that you’re evaluating an authentic representation of your applicants.

Strategies to secure buy-in for an optimized admissions process

Learn how to successfully manage change in your assessment methods, from getting buy-in from your team to securing financing from your school.

Addressing the biggest challenges in admissions

of admissions teams reported time commitment as a barrier to implementing holistic review practices
of admissions teams have a standard set of interview questions – one key element of a structured interview
of schools saw an increase in diversity by using multiple holistic review practices

Start addressing the challenges affecting your process