This quarter at Kira Talent brought new ways to visualize and optimize your admissions process. From our new Circuit Visualizer to enhanced email reminders, these updates eliminate the hassles and streamline your workflow.

Updates and new features:

  1. Circuit Visualizer
  2. Reminder emails
  3. Bulk-unassignment

Visualize, organize, optimize - all in one dashboard

Get a birds-eye view on your Live Interview with the all-new Circuit Visualizer. Toggle between list and timeline view for easy access to all the information you need — whether you’re checking a participant's status, sending a Broadcast Message, or looking for more details on a particular interview station, the new circuit visualizer puts it all at your fingertips.

Visually track applicants through the interview with a colour-coded schedule that allows you to easily see how each applicant will move through interview stations. 

Access key details in schedule mode by hovering over your desired applicant or interview station to copy their email or check which question is being asked in what station.

Search by participant to quickly find the applicant or reviewer you’re looking for and easily pull up the details of their unique interview circuit. 

Keep reviewers on track

Identify which reviewers still have applicants left to score and send them a reminder email in just a few clicks. 

Admins can easily select individual reviewers to remind, or email all reviewers with incomplete assignments. 

Efficiently manage reviewer assignments 

Is one overloaded reviewer running behind on their scoring? With the new bulk-unassign feature, you can easily redistribute their assigned applicants with just a few clicks. 

Specify the number of assignments to redistribute, or select them all to keep your reviews rolling in within your timeline.